Div offers some of the promising benefits as compared to the other page builders.
Endless Options
Divi offers over 46 modules to help build your site from a button to a video slider. The main advantage of using Divi is that its easy to use and build.
Responsive Views
Divi allows you to edit and design the responsive views for tablet and mobile. Giving more creative freedom while designing on mobile and tablet views.
Save To Library
A big time saver with Divi is that you are able to save sections to your Divi library on your website and then reuse them in other part of your site.
A/B Testing
A/B testing is a feature that Divi provides, letting you display different types of content to certain people to see what converts best.
Pre-Made Layouts
Divi provides pre-made layouts for the page builder letting you build and create off them. They also allow you to import and export your own page layouts.
Divi is designed to be compatible with WooCommerce helping you gain a creative edge in your WooCommerce store. With Divi’s shop module you can design
Detailed Editing
Divi provides many different design options to help bring your website to the next level. Allowing you to do detailed styling to each page created.
Backend Builder
Having the option to work and create designs in the backend of a website is a great advantage. Allowing you to drag a drop and edit settings with ease.
Having endless possibilities is Divi’s thing. You can create many different types of websites including Ecommerce and brochure.
How Does Our Team Give You An Edge?
Here is how choosing Primitive Online's Divi designers services gives you an edge
Experienced Divi Desingers
High Quality Design
Focused On Client Satisfaction
Quality Design Solutions
Client Focused Approach
Cost-Effective Solutions
Security Ensured
Transparent Designs
Our Tech
Project Management Tools
Key Offerings
Flexible Divi Designs
Multiple Divi Layouts
Detailed Divi Editing
Divi Backend Builder
Divi CSS Implementation
Easily Editible Sections
Divi Projects
Bute Consulting
We used DIvi to create Bute Consulting. We choose to do this because it gave us the creative freedom we desired. Our client was looking for a modern and professional website for their business, and Divi is perfect for this.
The OnePatch website is also created using Divi. The main reason we choose to use Divi for this website was because it gave us the tools to create the stunning website that we needed.
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